CHRISTMAS EVE "Maybe Christmas, he thought...Doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas, perhaps...Means a little bit more! The True meaning of Christmas came through, and the Grinch found the strength of 10 Grinches plus 2!" Dr. Suess Tis the day after Christmas Eve and all through my house Are the smell of the cookies that finally got baked. So off to the neighbors I walked in slow steps, and the neighbors were happy, and I was all done with the quest. Done... except for cleaning the dishes and pans that were thrown in the sink for this good little elf to sparkle and shine. Then off to the counter to make the mac and cheese and place in the oven at 375 degrees. I sat and drank coffee and nibbled some treats. And then what to my weary eyes did appear, but the bird on the counter just waiting to take its breth taking bake. And now I sit here writing the blog that was meant to be written by yesterday's Eve. I hope you enjoy it, I and Hope your day brings, health, pe...
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THE HOLIDAY PEACOCK SHINES "The message of the Christ is unconditional love, non-judgement, forgiveness, brotherhood, peace and oneness with God. Perhaps true Christianity is more of a lifestyle than it is any one particular religion." --Dennis Merritt Jones What holiday memories from the past resonate in your mind? Going out on Christmas Eve to pick one of the last trees that was very inexpensive; ice skating with your siblings and coming home afterward for hot chocolate and popcorn; family feasting around the dining room table; feeling the happiness that came from giving and receiving; and the love that wove its way through the holidays. This year Gary and I have a Holiday Peacock sitting on our patio, and a five foot Christmas tree sitting on the half-wall of our living room. Not everyone had the same experience we have had...
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ON THE WINGS OF DECEMBER “Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.” –Hamilton Wright Mabie Gary and I are back from Thanksgiving in New Mexico. This is a shot of all the people who sat around the dinner table, and then took an hour's worth of pictures (sound familiar?). Now comes the time to start getting ready for Christmas. I think the general public started getting ready for the season in October, whereas most normal families are getting ready right now. Since our place is small, we have a Christmas peacock on our patio. Indoors we have a thin but tall tree (pictures to follow in my next blog). We all have our traditions around the holidays, homemade stuffing, cornbread, cranberry sauce, yams, and some kind of meat or meatless protein (many more vegetarians than there used to be). As I go to buy groceries or shopping centers I wish people "HappyHolidays", acknowledging that we are a collective of beliefs; we may call Spirit by many ...
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Trees, Squirrels, and Family “When we lose one blessing, another is often most unexpectedly given in its place.” ― C.S. Lewis It's tightwalking time for squirrels again, those accurate paws, that furry, fluffy tail waving in the wind; all of those autumn indications that Turkey Day is lovingly looming around the corner. A day for family and friends to get together for puzzle building, eating popcorns, and telling jokes that are alway way too pun-ish. (And please, no jokes about any of your family being squirrelly). This year is a great one for giving thanks. High points and low points; but still a great time to remember all our blessings. Wars may rage, and arguements over religion and politics may seem like they are taking center stage; but family, (some times the friends who are the family we choose), a roof over our heads and clean water to drink--these are among the many things to give thanks for. "Science of Mind teachses us that we are all one, one with God...
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GRATITUDE "A Positive shift in perspective...chosing prayer treatment instead of complaining." Life's Garden of Weekly Wisdom --Sandra Lindsey Smith This is a picture of a rock I painted at our Center's end of summer/beginning of autumn Picnic. I an not that great at rock painting, but it was fun to try. The hardest part was painting the letters. I wracked my brain for the smallest word with the least letters and I came up with "Thanks" (after the fact I realized that "Peace" had fewer letters). Family and friends are important. Remember to call, text, email-- or my personal favorite is to write to them and let them know how grateful I am to have them in my life. "Thank-you is the best prayer anyone could say." --Alice Walker May you have many days to be thankful this year. Do you journal about gartitude? Try it, write down at least three things you are thankful for evry day for a month, year or for the res...
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H ALLOWEEN, HALLOWEEN, HALLOWEEN " Evil has o nly the power that we give it." — Ray Bradbury, “Something Wicked This Way Comes” What fun it is to dress up at Halloween. Being someone spookie, cuddley, a musician or a sports player takes some imagination and some thought. Being a teacher for some thirty years I always dressed up for Halloween. Perhaps my favorite costumes is when I dressed up like a musician from Queen. In fifth grade some friends and I dressed up like the adams family and when trick-or-treating as a group. Today it is fun to decorate the house and have the neighbors over for hot cider. It is also fun to see the imagination that has been handed down to the kids of today. What analogy may we get from Halloween? Celebrating with others, sharing our creative talent, and remembering to take time to have fun! “ There are three things that I’ve learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics and the Great Pumpkin.” — Linus, “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Cha...
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PUMPKINS, PUMPKINS, PUMPKINS “Pumpkin dreams and cozy autumn scenes.” --Insta-Worth pumkin sayings Pumkins come in all sizes and colors. They live together in patches all over our continent. Such a variety, and they bring so much happiness to others. What a great analogy for life, living together in patches that work for everyone. Pumpkin pie, carmel apples, and family and friends to share it with. October is a wonderful month. Have you carved pumpkins At least one time in your life? By yourself or with many people, it usually brings such joy and laughter. Whether they are amusing, sad or extremely scary, the fun always bubbles over. "Sirituality is our choice. It is ours for the asking. We may have been raised in a religion that doesn't work for us but that doesn't mean we aren't spiritual; it means we haven't found the right fit. When you find that something special that does feel like home, you reap your spiritual harvest." Sandra Lindsey Smith, - -Li...
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BEING OR DOING? "To think only of the best, to work only for the best and to expect only the best." Christian Larson, - -The Optimist Creed As you sit binge-watching the new series you have heard was so wonderful, and you keep saying to yourself, "oh, just one more", are you being or doing? Perhaps the difference lies in whether you make it a daily habit (perhaps all day every day) or whether it is the one hour a day that you relax into something for leisure sake. What is the actual difference between being and doing? Deep inside I think all of us want to make a difference in the world, and so we often get involved in worthwhile projects in out community. It might be organizing a fund raiser at a child's school, being involved in a road cleanup program, or working to improve the ecology of the city or state we live in. Whatever it is, does it make your heart sing? Or, do you often find yourself saying yes to every opportunity that comes alon...
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AUTUMN LIGHT “I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.” – Albert Einstein Leaves falling, squirells playing tightrope on the telephone wires; leaves transforming into their bright orange and yellow fall colors; seasons changing as we contuinue to change. As we partake of all the good things that life has to offer; as we remember the kindess we share with others; and as we are open to learning new things, we grow. Life has its cycles and to me, fall represents letting go of the things that no longer serve us, and making room for promising new adventures. Do you remember how curious you were as a child? Did you discover caterpillars and how they metamorphosed into butterflies? The world was filled with new ideas and places to explore. Let your mind wonder and wander to experiences that enhance your life and revive your love of learning.. "We can look at the garden that is choked with weeds, and see no hope of it ever getting better, or we can muster the courage t...
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THE BLESSINGS OF SILENCE " We have a truly awesome reminder of the Divine Intelligence behind all creation when we contemplate the Universe that surrounds us,and the multiple Universes beyond that." Life's Garden of Weekly Wisdom , --Sandra Lindsey Smith When I taught high school, I would have my students write about this quote, "Alone in a crowd is lonely, alone by yourself is powerful." It was an amazement to me how their responses were so insightful. One student said, "You are never alone wherever you are, only you can make yourself lonely." As a "latchkey" kid (before a name was given to it), I was home by myself quite a bit. I actually loved the silence. Reading has always been my favorite addiction ( I guess that is probably the best addiction one could have). Very often, when I am waiting in line, sitting in a dentist office or at the airport, I think to myself, what a lucky person I an, I have time to get in a few more pages of...
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THE PRESENT MOMENT "Life is a blessing or a curse, according to the use we make of it. In the long run, no one judges us but ourselves. We believe in a law that governs all things and all people. If we make mistakes, we suffer. We are our own reward and our own punishment." - Ernest Holmes Are you grateful at this precise moment? In my late forties, I discovered that doing exactly this made my life easier. I started realizing that everything that that happens isn't good and isn't bad, it just is. Something may happen that seems horrible at the time, it may seem like a giant road block, but eventually you may look at is as a stepping stone. Getting divorced, going through an illness, growing up in an abusive environment all pales when you have gone through a challenge and come out wiser as a result of it. All that I have been through in my life allows me to be more loving and compassionate with others. When I allow myself to be free of perceived injustices, I release...
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BE SURE YOU'VE GOT IT RIGHT “ The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place .” – George Bernard Shaw What is the difference between receiving a phone call, and receiving an email or text? For me, a phone call allows me to ask a question to make sure that what I am hearing is correct. On a few occasions when I read a text or email, I am getting a different message than the one that was intended. Sometimes good old spell check is to blame as it autocorrects stranger into stangler. On occasion, we read something that was meant to be a joke or pun, but it was taken as a slight. Luckily in a text you can reply back to make sure you understand what was written, correctly. Words when they are spoken or written can never be taken back, so question what you think was said and avoid being slighted. Do you have trouble understanding what was written to you in a text or email? Did you think someone was angry by what they said, an...
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REAL LIFE MAGIC "Spiritual Power is of no particular value until we use It. We must not only be conscious of this Power, we must be actively conscious of it." --Ernest Holmes Inside each of us is the ability to be, do, or experience exactly we want in life. This ability comes from a connection with Spirit. The Creative Intelligence of God is behind all creation, humans, animals, planets, stars. Life is too miraculous to have happened by accident: monarch butterflies, birds, bears--knowing when to migrate or hibernate; spiders knowing how to create webs out of their own bodies; zebra finches with their brown spotted wings, shedding feathers and the growing the same spotted feathers to take their place; and the list goes on. Each of us has a direct connection with the Infinite, God is in us, around us, and moves through us, and acts as us. We say an affirmative prayer and have faith that the prayer will be answered. Perhaps that prayer is for the right and perfec...
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HONORING YOUR CALLING "There is no greater gift you can give or receive than to honor your calling. It is why you were born and how you become most truly alive." --Oprah Winfrey My mother was such a loving person. This is a picture of her on her 90th birthday riding the tram in Albuquerque, new Mexico. Her calling in life was a simple one, bringing happiness to other people. At 80 five days a week she would take a 3.3 mile walk with me around a local park. She was always full of life, truly gave every living creature she met a smile. Everyone has a calling, something we would like to be a part of big or small, it is something we would like to share with others. For me it has been teaching, and ministry. Now that I am retired, writing and Chaplaincy are coming to the forefront. What is it that makes your heart sing? Do you volunteer, participate in playful activities with family and friends, how do you become most truly alive? Are you involved ...
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THUNDER AND LIGHTNING "Don't knock the weather; nine-tenths of the people couldn't start a conversation if it didn't change once in a while." ~ Kin Hubbard BOOM! Gary and I were startled out of our chairs the other day when thunder sounded near our home. The weather here in Vegas is hot, but we are easing into a week of 90's weather. We've had two lightning storms. The first flooded two golf courses, tore trees from the ground and rolled boulders into the roads, and was the worst rain in 23 years. The second was short but very loud. This was the first time either of us, in all the states we've lived in, experienced such a downpour. Then I started thinking about all the other souls, not only in the U.S., but also around the world who have been through floods, fires, droughts, earthquakes, tornados and other natural disasters. My heart goes out to all people who have experienced loss in one or more of these situations. One of the only blessings that s...
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WHAT'S GREAT AND NOT SO GREAT ABOUT THE HEAT "I've been waiting all summer to complain about the winter cold." So, it's very hot and everyone is complaining about the heat, sadly enough, me included. The lantanas in my garden love it. The once vibrant orange hibiscus has been fried by it. The heat is great when you have an air conditioner or a pool near you. Sunbathers love it, golfers live with it, and reptiles bask in it. When it's freezing outside we long for the warm weather to return. It's a little like life, heat and cold have their cycles. There are many things we must go through each year on this planet. Appreciate the fact that hot or cold, movie theatres and roller skate rinks are temperature controlled. Be prepared with cold weather wear as well as breathable summer wear. I have plastic tubs for all my clothes. Just as I get tired of wearing the same old things in summer, when the winter comes I pack away the summer things and bring out my wint...
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GROWING "Money is like manure, it's meant to spread around, encouraging young things to grow." Dolly Levi, from The Match Maker, by Thornton Wilder Growth, it comes in all forms: Learning or doing exciting new things, expanding our consciousness; financial abundance; releasing fear and/or resentment, it allows to let go of past worries and dwell on the present positive things in our lives. We grow by embracing the present moment, concentrating on what we do want in our lives, because what we think about comes about. The growth of plants also teaches us important lessons. Plants who are nurtured grow, water and sunlight are necessary. Bamboo when first planted may take up to seven years before it grows over 6 inches. When it is ready, it may grow over six inches to a foot each day. Why, because in takes that long for its roots to grow enough to support it's great height. We can learn a lot from plants, we need to nurture ourselves as much as we do others, and someti...
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DOCTORS, DENTISTS AND OPTICIANS, OH MY “A truly amazing doctor is hard to find…and impossible to forget.” Part of the joy of moving, is finding new health professionals to replace the ones you left behind. So far so good, although I did get a message to review the service of a doctor that I have never even seen (It's actually my husband's doctor). We as human beings are so very blessed to be able to have health care when we really need it; but, I always say a prayer for continued good health - a pill and a prayer as Ernest Holmes would say. The weather here in Las Vegas is in the triple digits, a reminder that keeping hydrated is also a big part of staying healthy. Add exercise and eating in a healthy way, and you have the recipe for staying healthy! "The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don’t want, drink what you don’t like, and do what you’d rather not.” Mark Twain How do you stay healthy? Is it a conscious decision to live a healthy lifestyle? Is it ...
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FROM MY SACRED PLACE TO YOURS "It is only in the silence that we can hear the voice of the universal life force." Carolyn Reynolds, -- Spiritual Fitness It was in my middle forties that I first discovered my spiritual voice. I walked into a Center for Spiritual Living, and found a teaching that coincided with my beliefs about a Higher Power. I cried myself through the first several weeks that I attended the Center--I had finally found a family of like minded individuals. It felt like I had finally come home. One of the things I began practicing was meditation, and I made myself a space in my home for a sacred spaced. Since I have moved to Los Vegas, I created a similar space to come to when I go into the silence to commune with Spirit. Spend some quality time silencing your mind, or listen to some gentle music, or take a walk in nature, anything that allows you to go within and connect with the Divine. "As you become more regular in your spiritual practice you wi...
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SUMMER TIME AND THE LIVING IS UNBELIEVABLE "If only you could sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet...There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person." --Fred Rodgers Great sentiment in that quote. One never knows what a difference they may have had in someone else's life just by a simplE smile or kind word. It's summer time, and it's the perfect moment to share some positive attitude with the world. Flowers abound all around me, and my cherry tomatoes are getting small blooms. Summer is upon us (but here in Las vegas the message was received about a month early). It may seem hot right now but think about it...five or six months from now we will all be wishing it was warmer. I say, live with whatever the weather brings. Savor the seasons for what they have to offer, and be extremely thankful on those days that are perfect for you. Weather is a good analogy for life, there are fabulous days, and not so fa...
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BEING DIFFERENT IS A WONDERFUL THING "Why be Normal" The quote above is one that I saw on a tee-shirt at Disneyland. Someone just passing by and proud to be who she was. I am proud of my own differences. Seventy years of moving to my own drum, following the voice inside me that gave me the inspiration to be myself and to follow my dreams. The picture above is a peach colored hybiscus plant. I have never seen this particular shade of flower ona plant like this before, it's new and different and exquisite. We should take a lesson from nature and consider the beauty of all of God's plants and awesome creatures who dare to be different. The beautiful flower that tenaciously grows through a crack in a rock; male birds with audacious colors who dance there way into the flirtacious fancy of a female nearby; spectacular sunrises and sunsets that uniquely appear every day, all of these revel in their difference as they amaze their speehless spectators. Celebrate the beautifu...
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YOU KNOW, AND YOU KNOW THAT YOU KNOW "Your knowingness is always on. You know what you need to know at the time you need to know it. All ideas are available to you and your mind is open and receptive to them." The Power of Decision --Raymond Charles Baker Do you sometimes feel that you don't know what you need to know about something? Should I move to a new home, let go of a relationship that isn't working, or move to another job? Very often you ask someone else's opinion, when deep in your heart you really know what the answer is, you just need to have the strength to move on with the action of change. When my mother was alive, she was a great person to talk to about anything I was struggling with. She would listen deeply and allow me to talk about it long enough for me to fi...
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LOVE, LAUGH, AND BE WELL "Love, laugh and be well speaks to the idea of seeing the good in each and every situation. When we find the good, shift happens." Life's Garden of Weekly Wisdom --Sandra Lindsey Smith Most people enjoy life when they are happy and well, but what happens when you are not feeling so cheery and enthusiastic? Do you sit and have a pity party? Phone friends or family and ruminate on the lousy day you are having? Do you put emphasis on how bad you feel? Do any of those things that reinforce the negative feelings make you feel any better? I am a 22-year cancer survivor, I went through a divorce in 1997, pets, friends and family that I loved dearly, have died, and yes, I experienced some very sad feelings. I allowed myself to grieve, and then I went a step further as a little time passed by, I looked for some of the things that happened as a result of those sad things happening in my life. Getting divorced helped me discover my Sp...
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STORMY WEATHER "Eventually we realize everything that happens in our lives happens for a reason." Sandra Lindsey Smith --Life's garden of Weekly Wisdom Gary and I have been living in Las Vegas for about a month now, and we are getting used to the weather here. It's sunny and windy, and surprisingly it's a little humid here as well. Las Vegas weather forecasters will say that rain is expected, and the city is so large that it is bound to be raining somewhere. So far, we have yet to see rain, but we drive through places that indicate there was a drenching just a few minutes ago. Whatever the weather here, I know it beats shoveling snow back in Washington State in the winter. Weather conditions are a little bit like Spirit, it always surround you, and each day brings a new experience. Weathering storms is like weathering the challenges that present themselves, e...