“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” – George Bernard Shaw
What is the difference between receiving a phone call, and receiving an email or text? For me, a phone call allows me to ask a question to make sure that what I am hearing is correct. On a few occasions when I read a text or email, I am getting a different message than the one that was intended. Sometimes good old spell check is to blame as it autocorrects stranger into stangler. On occasion, we read something that was meant to be a joke or pun, but it was taken as a slight. Luckily in a text you can reply back to make sure you understand what was written, correctly.
Words when they are spoken or written can never be taken back, so question what you think was said and avoid being slighted.
Do you have trouble understanding what was written to you in a text or email? Did you think someone was angry by what they said, and only when you questioned it and they had meant something entirely different? My advice is to question what is written to you if you ever feel offended by what someone has expressed? Ask a question about it, and you may find that you still have a friend.
Love and light,
Sandy Smith