" Love leads the way. That saying is a reminder to keep in contact with our higher power and share the the load when we need to. When I find myself wondering what to do next, or I have a challenge that elbows its way into my life, those are the very times when connecting with The Creative Intelligence of God giudes me to the solution."
Life's Garden Grows, --Sandra Lindsey Smith
Ralph Waldo Emerson says that, "Love is a synonym for God." Other synonyms are Peace, Truth, Kindness, and many more. The Dahli Lama says that, "Kindness and Compassion are my religion." It doesn't really matter who says it, the meaning is still the same; treat others the way you would like to be treated.
It is said that plants and animals thrive when they are spoken to kindly (A little food and water are also nice). I always speak to my African Violets and tell them how lovely they are, and how shiny their leaves are. All the animals I have ever had in my life enjoy the the words that are spoken to them, and they respond in their own loving way.I especially think that the people we see every day should receive the same positive encounters.
Life is too short to step on the feelings of those who cross our paths. Let the words we share be mindful, and add to the goodness of life.
"You were created to be. And to be, you have to emerge from the cocoon of complacency and dare to venture in consciousness across uncharted sea of mind."
The Power of Decision, --Raymond Charles Barker
Let your encounters with other leave positive, lasting feelings. It is certain to cheer the world up around you.
Love and Light,
Rev Sandy Smith