"Worry is the dark room where negatives are developed."                                                                Raymond Charles Barker,      --The Power of Decision

Oh that hamster wheel late at night, just spinning with all of the things that happened yesterday, and the things on your calendar that you still need to accomplish. Will the wheel never stop? How do you dismount from the wheel? 

I have discovered that worrying about the past is pointless. If it was an accident, I cannot undo what happened. I may think of it as a learning experience as to what I might do the next time to avoid an accident. As to the future, it hasn't happened yet. I may plan for things coming up, put them on my calendar. If it is an interview that I am going to have in the near future, I can spend my time worrying about what might go wrong, or I can consider the questions that might be asked and practice what my answers would be. I can say some affirmations about my ability. For example: "I am competent, capable and confident." "The right words always come to me as I need them to." "I will experience a fabulous interview, I am a wordsmith that speaks with poise and confidence."

Prepare for the future, yes. Be prepared for what is about to happen and then let go and let God.

"Don't worry, be happy."  Bob Marley

What do you do when something hard to deal with presents itself? Do you stress out, or do you do an affirmative prayer? Try taking some time to meditate about it. Perhaps start by asking the question, "Spirit, what do I need to know about the events that are happening." Sit for awhile listening to some lyric free music, or focus on your breathing. Breath in and out, and as you breathe out, let yourself release any angst you have about anything. May you worry less and step out into peace and calm.

Love and Light,

Rev Sandy Smith


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