"Your knowingness is always on. You know what you need to know at the time you need to know it. All ideas are available to you and your mind is open and receptive to them."  
                            The Power of Decision                              --Raymond Charles Baker

Do you sometimes feel that you don't know what you need to know about something? Should I move to a new home, let go of a relationship that isn't working, or move to another job? Very often you ask someone else's opinion, when deep in your heart you really know what the answer is, you just need to have the strength to move on with the action of change.

When my mother was alive, she was a great person to talk to about anything I was struggling with. She would listen deeply and allow me to talk about it long enough for me to figure it out on my own. She would only give advice if I asked for it.

Deep in everyone's heart and mind is the inspiration for any important decision, and that inspiration is supplied through spiritual connection. So, trust yourself and know that you are the best person to make conscious changes for your own life.

"Anything we do in life always depends on using what we know. Even when the unexpected pops up before our very eyes, having an imagination allows us to use our critical thinking and come up with a solution. Perfect right action always occurs."
Life's Garden Grows             --Sandra Lindsey Smith

Think of a time when you made the right decision because your intuition told you it was right for you! Be the listening ear that allows others to talk about a situation that they must make a decision about. Really listen, don't make the decision for them, but ask questions that will steer them to their own answer. And always know that Spirit is always there to give an assist.
Love and light,
Sandy Smith


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