"Spiritual Power is of no particular value until we use It. We must not only be conscious of this Power, we must be actively conscious of it."  --Ernest Holmes

Inside each of us is the ability to be, do, or experience exactly we want in life. This ability comes from a connection with Spirit.  The Creative Intelligence of God is behind all creation, humans, animals, planets, stars. Life is too miraculous to have happened by accident: monarch butterflies, birds, bears--knowing when to migrate or hibernate; spiders knowing how to create webs out of their own bodies; zebra finches with their brown spotted wings, shedding feathers and the growing the same spotted feathers to take their place; and the list goes on.

Each of us has a direct connection with the Infinite, God is in us, around us, and moves through us, and acts as us. We say an affirmative prayer and have faith that the prayer will be answered. Perhaps that prayer is for the right and perfect new job. We apply for that job and perhaps it doesn't come about. Then weeks later a job presents itself that is even better, and it does come about. Maybe that should always be in our prayer when we pray, for a job, a new relationship, a new home, "This or something better."

"Miracles happen through natural and normal circumstances, and the "new science" of quantum physics is proving that we are--every one of us--already wired for miracles."                Michael C. Rann & Elizabeth Rann Arrott,               -Shortcut to a Miracle

How do you pray, is it to a god in Heaven or to the God who resides within you? Where does you deepest inspiration come from? Are you guided to a certain book, does the right song play on the radio just when you need to hear it, when you have said an affirmative prayer, or thought, "God I could use a little help here" and then the right person or situation crosses you path as if by magic, was that random? My thought is to say or think your prayer with conviction and then allow Spirit to bring it about.

Love and light,

Sandy Smith


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