“I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.” – Albert Einstein

Leaves falling, squirells playing tightrope on the telephone wires; leaves transforming into their bright orange and yellow fall colors; seasons changing as we contuinue to change. As we partake of all the good things that life has to offer; as we remember the kindess we share with others; and as we are open to learning new things, we grow.

Life has its cycles and to me, fall represents letting go of the things that no longer serve us, and making room for promising new adventures. Do you remember how curious you were as a child? Did you discover caterpillars and how they metamorphosed into butterflies? The world was filled with new ideas and places to explore. Let your mind wonder and wander to experiences that enhance your life and revive your love of learning..

"We can look at the garden that is choked with weeds, and see no hope of it ever getting better, or we can muster the courage to vision what it could be like with proper love and care and do something about it." Sandra Lindesy Smith, --Life's Garden Grows

What new adventure would you like to persue? What are you curious about? Would you like to travel? My husband and I love to travel, and when we aren't pysicallly traveling, we often visit Ireland, South American countries, Bali, Africa - all with the click of the remote for our television. May you life be filled with old loves and new possibilities.

Love and light,

Sandy Smith


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