"Why be Normal"

The quote above is one that I saw on a tee-shirt at Disneyland. Someone just passing by and proud to be who she was. I am proud of my own differences. Seventy years of moving to my own drum, following the voice inside me that gave me the inspiration to be myself and to follow my dreams.

The picture above is a peach colored hybiscus plant. I have never seen this particular shade of flower ona  plant like this before, it's new and different and exquisite. We should take a lesson from nature and consider the beauty of all of God's plants and awesome creatures who dare to be different. The beautiful flower that tenaciously grows through a crack in a rock; male birds with audacious colors who dance there way into the flirtacious fancy of a female nearby; spectacular sunrises and sunsets that uniquely appear every day, all of these revel in their difference as they amaze their speehless spectators.

Celebrate the beautiful diversity that surrounds us every day in our lives. It is spirit's marvelous, and magnificent gift. 

"The great law of life is thinking and becoming and when we think from the lofty heights of the Spirit we will become great and not until then."              --Ernest Holmes

Do you value your unique self? You are best you, and none else could ever come close to being you!
Love and light,
Sandy Smith


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