"To believe in the good alone, may seem fallacious to many, but he who thus believes willl find his path lighted by a torch which flickers, not fails."  Ernest Holmes,   --The Science of Mind Textbook

Things happen in life that my not be to our liking. We may loose faith in ourselves or the world around us; we may get angry or depressed; but we also must realize that the thing has happened, and be certain not to be dampened by circumstances. It is the time to dedicate ourselves to being the world we want to see. Now more than ever is the time to recognize and love oneanother, to see what issues and people we need to support. We can be thankful for our faith-center families and help to support ourselves and the commnity that surrounds us. Now, more than ever we need to spread kindness, compassion and love; let yourself shine brighlty.

"Everything in our personal experience depends upon our mental reactions to life, and our deepest realization of the intimate relationship we have to the infinite....We do think, our thought is creative, and as a result our life is what we make it. It is a case of sink or swim. And there is something within us that does not want us to sink, so we learn to swim although our first  efforts may appear feeble. Where we previously may have splashed around getting nowhere, barely keeping our heads above water, we now know that swim we can, and swim we will, carrying ourselves along the stream of life with direction and confidence."  Ernest Holmes,                 --A New Design for Living

Whatever you can do to spread kindness and compassion, now is the time.

Love and Light,

Rev Sandy Smith


Anonymous said…
AMEN, so it is!

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