SUGGESTION OR CRITICISM "Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you" - Princess Diana. Ever since I was a child I have cringed at criticism directed towards me. From my Mom, to my teachers, to director's of the many plays I have been in, I was always in the mode of needing to fight back. I think I was needing to fight back. Today I realize that I can look at that criticism as helpful suggestions, and that I can agree with some of them or respond by saying, "Thank you for sharing your thoughts." Then I may consider whether the suggestion is helpful to me or not. I must say that I set a deadline to have something done by, but I have realized that I can make time to assure that what I am working on is polished enough to say it is complete. It is okay to ask for advice and share the the project with others, and ask for input. Many hands, quite often, make the job advance...