
Showing posts from September, 2024
SLOW AND STEADY DOES WIN THE RACE Time and space are modes by which we think and not conditions in which we live.                                                             Albert Einstein If you have ever heard the Aesop  fable of, The Tortoise and the Hare, you probably know that the tortoise wins the race because he was slow and steady from start to finish. The hare, however, because of his over bloated ego, felt that he was so fast that he could nap for a bit before he finished the race. In real life the slow but steady turtle may live the longest of any animal on earth. Some have been recorded to have lives of up to 300 years. Compare that to human beings and their drive to get things done at a breakneck speed.  For me, there are many times when I have five or six things I am working on at the same time. Sometimes I just have to choose which project gets my full attention at the time.  My affirmative prayer for that project is for time to accommodate me, by stretching my mindset
      WHAT TEASURES DO YOU HAVE RIGHT UNDER YOUR NOSE? "Your present mind is cause to your world of effects. Everything that happens to you happens because of you...Already in your mind are the right ideas seeking your right thinking to become cause to your inner and outer happiness." Raymond Charles Barker,          The Power of Decision Through the years, are there things you have collected? I have a curio closet that is filled with things that I have collected through the years. There are pill boxes that are shaped as Seattle's Space tower, a cottage, a teapot, to mention a few. I've collected All sorts of wooden and ceramic otters and dragonflies, and many more interesting things. They are there in the cabinet and how often do I look at them and remember when and where I collected them? Not often enough. My great niece came to visit, and she was drawn to the cabinet and looked at all the items with curiosity and wonder. In our daily lives there are time when you
 WHY WORRY?                                          "Worry is the dark room where negatives are developed."                                                                 Raymond Charles Barker,      -- The Power of Decision Oh that hamster wheel late at night, just spinning with all of the things that happened yesterday, and the things on your calendar that you still need to accomplish. Will the wheel never stop? How do you dismount from the wheel?  I have discovered that worrying about the past is pointless. If it was an accident, I cannot undo what happened. I may think of it as a learning experience as to what I might do the next time to avoid an accident. As to the future, it hasn't happened yet. I may plan for things coming up, put them on my calendar. If it is an interview that I am going to have in the near future, I can spend my time worrying about what might go wrong, or I can consider the questions that might be asked and practice what my answers would be. I