"We can do not great things, but we can do small things with great love."

Mother Teresa

With all that is happening around the world, wars, climate events, fires, hungry children, homelessness, is it extremely hard to wrap our brains about what the world is coming to? Yes there are problems, and sometimes it seems like we can't do anything about them, but we do have a choice. We can sit idly by and worry about the terrible things that are happening, or we can choose one of those many things and see how we can become involved in doing something about it. Do you like to sew? There are organizations that need volunteers to sew clothes for children, in our own nation and around the world, that can't afford clothes. Are you concerned that there isn't enough food for the many struggling people that don't have it? Volunteer at a homeless center that prepares meals for those who need it. The list goes on. We can't do everything, but we can do small things with great love. Think about those talents that you are good at, google where those talents can be used.

There is a big world that surrounds us, and we should become aware of what big or small thing that we can do to help. There is a joke that asks about how do you eat an elephant, and the answer is, bite by bite. Try to put in mind what you can do, and not what you can't.

"Whenever we make up our mind about what we truly desire, and move ahead with conviction, the path becomes clearer"

Sandra Lindsey Smith,                                         --Life's Garden Grows

What gift do you have to share with the world?  If you complain about something and do nothing to change it, it will always be a problem. If  you make a mind-set to be part of the solution, you can make a difference.

Love and Light,

Rev Sandy Smith


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