EVERYTHING YOU NEED "Our roots are in the Mind of God. Our individuality, everything that we are and do, is an effect of our invisible sources. Forces which continually draw on the Infinite." Ernest Holmes -- Living the Science of Mind Just like plants, every living thing needs certain elements to grow. Where did those elements come from? Where did the the trees, flowers, bushes, vegetables come from? A seed was planted by a hand covering it with soil, or the wind or some other element that caused it to be there. The plant that grows cannot at first be seen above the soil, but has all it needs to grow. Sun, water, the elements in the soil--all are present to aid in its growth. Some invisible source is there, encouraging it to grow. People are like that as well, everything we need to grow and prosper is provided for us by Spirit. Do we go through trials and tribulations, yes, does it sometimes take effort to move forward, of course. Ernest Holmes asks the question, "Ho...