Has anything ever happened to you that you feel is the absolute worst thing you could imagine, only to discover later that what happened was really the biggest blessing that ever could have occurred? I've had a few of those "aha" moments in my life.
-I went through a divorce, but it led me to finding a Spiritual teaching that literally changed my life. I found The Science of Mind teaching, or did It find me?
-Shortly after I married my current husband, I was diagnosed with colon cancer. I had discovered Religious Science a few years before that, and I shared the finding with my minister. She told me to find the blessing in having cancer. Wow! That threw me for a loop. Stopping to think about it, I realized that it was a blessing that it was discovered early, and that I had discovered it after so many advances were made in it's treatment. Long story short, I came through a successful operation and was up on my feet within the next week. It turned out that my tumor was stage one and I had no need for chemotherapy.
-So many things have happened to me where challenges or obstacles became stepping stones. What I have learned is to keep myself prayed up, to ask for prayer treatment when I need it, and to work on changing my attitude about something that appears to be obstacle. A dam in the middle of a stream is a great example. The water has a way of working itself around, through or over the rocks, stone or whatever is in the way.
Accept the problem, consider what happens next, and wait for the chance to say, "Let's hear it for the blessings!
"Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference." --Winston Churchill
What things can you look back at in your life and say, "It was a blessing in disguise when that event happened?" When things happen that aren't to our liking, we can feel the feelings that we feel, but we don't want to be trapped in a strangle-hold forever. Talk about those feelings with a friend or or some other person you trust. Work through the thoughts and feelings to find the blessings that were hidden at the time.
Love and light,
Rev Sandy Smith