"Are there things about yourself that you feel are limitations? Could there be a few things about you that are magnified in your eyes that others could care less about? Be authentic. Be yourself."
Sandra Lindsey Smith,                           Life's Garden Grows

Did you think you had a problem with weight as you were growing up? I know my mother was always after me to watch what I ate, and so I saw myself as a little butterball. Looking back at my pictures from some sixty years ago, I realize that I was actually very fit as a child. Has this ever happened to you? Thinking back to my life as a child, my mother's wish for me was to be thinner than I was, and yet, ask me whether I wanted a second piece of cake at dinner.

          My mother was a very nurturing mother, but it always seemed that her message to me was, "I                  would love you more if you weighed less." One of the things I find so pleasing as an older adult,            is that I can let go of the self-judgement. My mother, bless her heart was probably just doing                  what her mother had done to her.  

Bottom line is, we must not be so hard on ourselves, and it is important to love our family and friends, just they way they are.

"The world is waiting for you, ride on-you're a once in a universe superstar."

Faith Rivera 

How do you like yourself now? Are you critical of some aspect of your face or body? Let it go. Be who you are and be proud of it.

Love and light, Rev Sandy


Mom looked so good at 140 pounds in her 80's...then a well-meaning PA told her to go done to 110...When she finally died, she was less than 90 pounds with clothes on...We have to listen to our own bodies...I am almost 80 and I weigh 162...It would be kinder on my knee to lose 5 pounds, but I feel good...my smarter choice is to lose things that weigh my spirit down... apathy, self judgement, envy..but even then to forgive myself for this extra "weight". I wish to gain a listening ear, empathy, compassion, and creative vision and especially self love...Blessings to my sister Sandie.

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