RELAX INTO THE FLOW "A good diet, refraining from excessive desires, and daily meditation all lead to peace of mind, and this peace of mind is beneficial." Little Book of Inner Peace, --The Dalai Lama What happens when a person is caught in a rip current in the ocean? A lifeguard would tell you to swim parallel to the shore and that would break the hold of the current. When panic sets in it is sometimes very difficult to remember that idea of relaxing enough to swim parallel to the shore. Isn't that true about the challenges that we go through in life? We get caught in the idea of events becoming more than we can handle. When it occurs to us, that Spirit surrounds us, moves in, through, and as us, we can remember to relax into that Divine Presence, and a shift happens. It allows us to respond, rather than react to the situation. There are many times that I have been so focused on the problem, that it takes me a little time to say, "God...