- "Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather." Google
- Summer brings rising temperatures, and we all have ways of dodging the heat. Going to a movie theatre, playing in a lake or family swimming pool, sitting in an air conditioned home, all are ways to beat the heat. Lucky for us we replaced our broken air conditioning this summer, and the house is noticeably cooler.
I remember when I was a six-year old living in Michigan, no one in our neighborhood had air conditioning. We would go to sleep at night in the living room with the front door and all the windows wide open what a sweet memory). Of course, there was the humidity to deal with as well. Life was simpler, but not often easier.
All through the years heat and cold temperatures have been something to gripe about, and they give us something to talk about when we meet our friends the next day. What can I say? Weather happens and we deal with it. Maya Angelou say about weather, "Often we feel we must have infuriated nature and it has responded by bring havoc upon our communities. I think it is unwise to personalize weather. I think when we don't know what to do it's wise to do nothing. Sit down quietly; quiet our hearts an minds and breathe deeply."
Enjoy the climate as it unfolds and be happy with all the creative energy we use to deal with it.
"Just as rain encourages plants to grow, so do certain people and situations. Who are the people in your life who have encouraged you to grow, a teacher, a parent, a close relative? Remember to thank them. And remember to thank yourself for your connection to the Divine."
Sandra Lindsey Smith, --Life's Garden Grows
How does weather affect you? Do you celebrate the heat and the cold? Are there certain stories you remember of a certain weather event that has happened to you? Brave the weather, and make such you hunker down when the weather makes sense to stay inside.
Love and light,
Rev Sandy Smith