"I am a light in this world, and I shine." Donna Michaels (song lyrics)

During my early childhood, I had a friend who would come over to play. He was a neighbor boy from down the block, Jimmy.  Jimmy always seemed to help get me into trouble. In my parents' bedroom they had a hole cut into the wall that was just the height and length of the bed.  During the day, the bed was pushed into the cubby hole behind it leaving just enough of the bed out to look like a couch. At night it would come out for them to sleep on, sort of an early type of hide-a-bed.

One day, Jimmy asked if we had any matches in our house and I said, “Yes, we keep them on the top of the refrigerator.” He said, “Let’s get some and we can come back upstairs and light them in the dark (in the cubby hole).” We went down to the kitchen and pulled over a stool, and just as I pulled the cookie jar out that they were in, the stool fell and I came tumbling down, matches and all. When Jimmy heard my mom coming into the kitchen, he beat feet and headed home. When she found out what I was getting the matches out for, she sat me down, lit a match, blew it out, and then had me touch the tip of the match.  She asked me if it felt hot. I said, yes it did, and she said, “Just imagine if you fell that hot all over.  It you had started a fire you might have burnt up. My mother’s best friend sent me a card that was supposedly from my guardian angel that said, “God loves you, you are precious, and only you can prevent a fire from happening.” (I think she was also a friend of Smokey the Bear.)

We are very fortunate to have people in our lives who teach us valuable lessons. In my case, it was fortunate that somebody cared enough to steer me in the right direction, a positive light in this world. I feel fortunate to have so many people in my life who love and care about me.

"My direct contact, your direct contact with the Infinite, is the tool we need to manifest every aspect of our lives."     --Lifes Garden of Weekly Wisdom

Who are the people in your life who have brought inspiration into your life? Now think of the many ways you have brought that same inspiration and caring into someone else's life.  Paying it forward always makes a big difference. I believe it is the love of God expressing through us.

Love and light,

Sandy Smith


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