"God put the stamp of individuality upon you and called it you?" Ernest Holmes

When I was teaching high school in my early years, I remember saying, "After you graduate and go on to the rest of your life, you will be surprised at how many of your former classmates are Gay or Lesbian. Some forty years later LGBTQ is the new moniker. In my opinion, a friend is a friend no matter who he /she is. All my friendships are based on common interests, kindness, caring and interesting conversations. 

Now consider who your friends are. Do you still keep in touch with them?  Do they form a wonderful tapestry of interesting backgrounds? I believe that we were created as exactly who we were meant to be, flaws and all. I wish for you a treasure trove of friends and family who love you, and remember, as a wall-hanging in my home says, "Friends are the family you choose."

I believe our own nation should reflect the vast variety of inhabitants that make up our USA. This includes people from all faiths, backgrounds, ethnicities, and sexual preferences. We are on this planet together, and we should recognize our delightful differences, and celebrate the wonderful things we have in common. My constant prayer is that we, as human beings, can realize this basic concept.

"Since I didn't come from my culture, my religion, or anything in this world, isn't it necessarily so that I must be the same as my surroundings or society. But since I did  come from an invisible energy Source that some call God, or Tao, or Divine Mind, then I must be like what I came from. My conclusion about my origination is that I came from Spirit, and my true essence is that I am what I came from. I am a Divine piece of God. I am first and always a spiritual being inextricably connected to my Source of being."                                                                    Wayne Dyer,    --The Shift

What do you stand for? Is it truth, kindness, wisdom and love for all that Spirit has created? If so, try to find a way to express that sentiment in Capital letters. Maybe send a few.

Love and Light,

Rev Sandy Smith


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