My mom had a saying when I was child. She would always say it when I asked a difficult question. Out of her mouth would come, "We will cross that bridge when we come to it." Well, the time has come. Now is the time to know, "Life finds a way."

This line comes from one of the Jurassic Park movies.  Jeff Goldblum, who plays Dr. Malcom, says it and he is referring to the dinosaurs who were all originally genetically programed to be female. Since many animal's DNA went into the pool, some of that DNA came from animals who could switch from female to male when it was needed for the species to survive. While this analogy may seem a little fatalistic, there are many examples where this phrase has a positive connotation. Think of land charred by fire. A few weeks or months after the fire, nature allows tenacious plants to start blooming,  like the phoenix rising from the ashes. After a national disaster, there are individuals who step in to provide food, support and temporary shelter.

I know, and know that I know, that we as as humans are tenacious and we will move forward with new ideas, we will keep the high watch, and encourage it in others, and remember the words to an old spiritual,                            

 "When it looked like the sun wouldn't shine anymore God put a rainbow in the sky."

When something happens that is not to our liking, we can argue about it, complain about it, but the fact is, it happened. Let us know that Life finds a way, and we are the individuals that can make that happen in a positive way. Be kind to others, and lend a helping hand, and work towards being part of the change.

Love and Light,

Rev Sandy Smith


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