"Together, we may be able to plan a less painful future. Separate, we can only anticipate further ruptures and deeper loneliness."                                                                                                                                    --May Angelou,           Rainbow in the Cloud  

We are all in this life together. Sometimes this may not seem to be the case. All around us we see weather challenges; people with little or no water, food or shelter; rampant lack of humanity towards people, animals; and lack of respect for our planet as a whole. We can focus on all the negativity in the world, or we can play a part, big or small in pitching in to help out where we can. Sometimes it is contributing to relief funds, assisting with those who need temporary shelter, or clearing debris from the recent storms; saying affirmative prayers for those who are suffering the loss of family and property; anything we can do makes a difference. If one small candle can provide light, imagine what a sea of candles may provide.

It isn't just storms that we weather, but life in general has its ups and downs. Be the eyes and ears of what needs to be seen and heard and acted upon. The more we realize that we are all one, the more we can have the compassion needed to be the difference makers.

"Each of us is a fountain of Life. There is a God-pressure back of each of us, A Life force seeking outlet through our thoughts and acts. There are many fountains, many individuals, but only one God-pressure back of all."                                                                                                        --Ernest Holmes,    Living the Science of Mind

See what's going on around you. Recognize your interests and talents. See what is yours to assist with.

Love and Light,

Rev Sandy Smith


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