"Treatment corrects the wrong use through its right knowing. Right knowing is an intelligent activity of mind which plunges beneath the surface and reveals Pure Spirit as the Invisible cause of creation." 
Ernest Holmes,                   -Living the Science of Mind

A friend in college invited me to her parent's home for Thanksgiving. We had a sumptuous meal and for dessert we had one of my favorites, blueberry pie. I took one bite and remarked, "This pie is the best I've ever had, it is absolutely perfect. There was an immediate hush and forks paused in mid-air. My friend said, after a beat, "I think you must mean ALMOST perfect. My mother said that if she ever made a perfect pie she would never make another one." I mumbled, "Yes, that's what I meant, almost perfect."

Karen Drucker wrote a song called I Don't Have to Be Perfect. Some of the lyrics go, "I don't have to be perfect, I'm doing the best I can. I give myself permission to be just who I am." What a great song. Think about it, is there a template for being perfect? Who is the judge for perfection? If I reached perfection, would there be any reason to keep on going? Perhaps perfection is in the eye of the beholder. I know there can be a perfect idea in the Mind of God.  Remember to keep those affirmative rolling and strive for the best you can be, it is always enough.

"Let us learn to see as God must, with a perfect vision. Let us seek the good and true and believe in them with our whole heart, even though every man we meet is filled with suffering, and limitation appears at all sides. Let us daily say to ourselves: Perfect Good within me, which is God, come forth into expression through me as that which I am; lead me ever into the paths of perfection and cause me to see only the Good."                          Ernest Holmes,                      The Essential Ernest Holmes

What are your ideas about perfection? Does everything have to go the way you planned or it is not perfect? Or, do you roll with the events of the day, allowing yourself to revel in the unexpected with Joy and happiness? Whatever your pleasure always give your best!

Love and light,

Rev Sandy Smith


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