You Are a Light

"It's impossible for you to connect with someone else's heart if you haven't connected first with your own."  Carolyn Reynolds,                    --Spiritual Fittness

Donna Michaels is a manificent Mystic of Music In Centers for Spiritual Living, as well as being an ordained minister. She has a song that I have sung many times, usually at Christmas or New Years, but it can really be sung at any time. The verses contain the following words, I am a Light in this world (repeated three times), You are a Light in this world (repeated three times), and We are a Light in this world (repeated three times). The chorus between each verse goes, And I shine, and you shine, and we shine so bright (respectively for each verse). I love this song because it really resonates with the the idea that when I have happiness in my life and shine it out, I recognize that, like a mirror, that happiness comes back to me. When we realize that we collectively shine, in enhances the idea of interconnectedness, and inclusion of each of us collectively.

When I am out walking, I try to smile at anyone who catches my eye. I See the light in those that surround me. On those few occassions where I feel a little blue, and I do this, I feel myself being filled with the love of Spirit. Try it some day when you feel a little low. and see if it makes a difference for you. 

Be the positive light that makes people want to be around you, and guess what? You will attract back the same." Life's Garden of Weekly Wisdom,   --Sandra Linsey Smith

Who has shared Light into your life? Who have you shared your light with? Make it a practice to share with at least one person each week that has meant very much to you, by phone, social media, or even by writing a letter or two.

Love and light,

Rev Sandy Smith


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