"Meditation draws us close to the Divine Reality so that we sense Its atmosphere and feel It's presence. When we think about Peace we become peaceful. And, it is in our feeling of Peace that we speak our affirmation of Power. It is from this Peace that we affirm the presence of Love and Truth and Goodness."
Ernest Holmes, --Living the Science of MindWhat are the signs of Spring that make you feel especially Joyful? For me, one of the biggest things that sparks my delight is watching humming birds at the feeder on my patio. I sit in the sunshine and sip my coffee, watch the birds and the tiny blue lizards that climb the surrounding the walls of my patio. Life is peaceful and sitting in silence allows me to drink in the goodnes and peace of Spirit.
Absorbing that serenity fuels me up with peace and love to share with the situations and the persons who cross my path each day. It allows me the ability to be the calm in any given situation. It reminds me that I can respond rather than react to anything that needs my love and kindness.
So put a little spring into your step as you greet the world each new day. See how it is that little thing that makes a big difference.
"When we remember the truth, that each person on this planet was meant to be perfect, whole and complete, something wonderful happens...As we let go of the need to struggle, we find peace within ourselves. As we remember we are not alone, that God is always there within us, we are one with love."
Sandra Lindsey Smith, --Life's Garden Grows
May you enjoy the bliss of Springtime. May love, light and laughter come easily and efforlessly, and may you share it with wild abandon!
Love and light,
Rev Sandy Smith