"You were born to be healthy. Your consciousness was created to be a  healthy mechanism for operating in your world...You alone determine what ideas function in your conscouisness."   
The Pwoer of Decision,               --Charles Barker

Sniffing, coughing, sneezing, tissues, cough drops, and Vicks -- What is this all about???
I rarely get colds. In fact, my husband just commented that he doesn't think I have been sick in all the 23 years we have been married. I'll have to think about that, but he is correct, I am rarely unhealthy. 

I have discovered that when I get too many things on my calendar, and start thinking that I just need to get this one more thing done, then Spirt says, "No you don't HAVE to do one more thing, you need to rest." So, I have cleared up my schedule, and I let go of a few activities, and now I am at the end of my cold. Ernest says, "A pill and a prayer", and that is what I have been doing. I will remember to include thankfulness in my affrimations, "I am thankful for my good health and all the blessings that come with it."

Time to put away the tissues, cough drops and Vicks.

"This week and always, expect good things and let Love lead the way."
                               Life's Garden Grows,             --Sandra Lindsey Smith

How do you feel today? Are you remembering to stay prayed up, do you remember to thank God for the good in your life as well as the things you would like to be different? If you do, keep doing it, if you don't, try it and see if it helps.
Love and light,
Rev Sandy Smith


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