The picture above, is what winter was like in Washington. Here in Las vegas when it or if snows, it is only powered sugar on the driveway. Yet, weather seems to be going crazy this year. Several of my friends and family have had power outages and trees falling on their homes; many have had to find temporary housing while their homes are repaired. There have been floods, fires, tornados, hurricanes, and earthquakes that have also created havoc. Life is like that sometimes, losing jobs, moving, losing or breaking up with a partner or someone you know--all are like the weather, they affect our lives.
Sometimes we say, why me God? Life does go on, and life has a way of finding a way to move on. Fires in the aftermath, can provide some pine trees the necessary heat to burst their pine cones, and release their seeds. In a few months flowers and plants seem to pop their heads above the soil. Sometimes the only blessing we may find is when family and friends step in to help us.
Think of some of the challenges that have arisen in your life. For me, going through a divorce was the catalyst for finding my faith tradition. I slid through colon cancer, and I believe that my team of friends and family helped me do that with prayers. The right and perfect medical team was a blessing as well.
The saying goes that, "In our lives a little rain must fall". Think about it, you can't have a rainbow without a little rain; crops couldn't grow; and animals wouldn't have anything to drink.
Weather happens, whether we like it or not. It isn't good, it isn't bad, it just is.
"Here's a question, if we are sending out kindness, do we always get kindness back? Not necessarily, but kindness practiced leads to higher vibrations on the planet, and the more people who pratice it, the higher the vibration." Life's garden Grows, --Sandra Lindsey Smith
What challenges have you been through? Did those challenges become stepping stones? Did you learn what not to do the next time? Sometimes it is hard to find the blessing in those challenges, but dig deep and see what blessings or learning experiences you can find.
Love and light,
Rev Sandy Smith