A "pivot" is a small change in direction from a single point where we are. Through one small change in direction, over time, we can get to where we want to be."
Shawn A. Ginwright, PhD

Wow! The second day of a new year! The Christmas peacock is put away, and the tree and decorations are stowed away until next year, and I sit peacefully as I write this blog. At the center of my thoughts is peace, peace in my heart and in my family, peace for my friends (who are like family), peace in the United States, and peace throughout the world. Peace begins with me and it begins with all of you.

I love the words to the Peace Song that ends every service at our Center, "Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin with me." How does it begin with me? What does peace mean? I believe it is a calmness, a serenity that fills my mind and body. Would I love to really see Peace on Earth? Yes.
What am I going to do about it? This year I am exploring where my changes are, where are my small changes? Changes that make a difference, a real difference. I know it will be a thoughtful and incredible journey. Have a peaceful, joyous, healthy and prosperous New Year!

"When a window is clean,we can see through it. When we are open and honest with each other, we see more clearly. And when this happens, the world seems like a happier and safer place."
Sandra Lindsey Smith (that's me if you didn't already know)    --Life's Garden of Weekly Wisdom ( In a bookstore or on-line through kindle.)

After that audacious plug for my book, I must say, that through writing I experience a deep peace. I am a little ADD, so physical writing or key-boarding focuses my attention. My mind can't go on it's little tangets when I am doing other things. What brings you peace? Mediation, sitting in a bubble bath, crocheting or knitting, what is your favorite way to achieve peace? Ponder what that is. This year is a good time for introspection, think about your actions and ideas and why you have them. Make a small change if you need to. I hope your journey is successful.
Love and light,
Rev Sandy Smith


Pat said…
Sometimes we feel like a new year means we need to make big changes, but you are so right about only needing to make a pivot, to eat an elephant a small bite at a time! No resolutions for me...just intentions. Not pass/fail but, rather, just moving in the direction I want.
Thank you so much, Sandy, for your thoughtfulness and love!
Ron said…
Thanks Sandy for your words of wisdom as always. Peace, the Peace of God, is the only way we will get through the troubles that seemingly plague the world today. His Peace comes through forgiveness of perceived wrongs that cannot really impact out True selves. Your writings help us to remember this and make it a reality and it has to start with each of us.
Love & blessings always!
Jamie Jette, RScP said…
Thank you Reverend Sandy for this sweet and gentle reflection.
Walking outdoors with the fresh coolness of the day soothing my skin, as the clouds float by and a bird or two greet me with wonderful curiosity. The day moth or the black bumblebee that says hello and to let me know spring is around the corner. Noticeably the days are getting longer again and this warms my heartwith joy. The Peace does begin with me and I open up to the changes . This tells me life is still beating thru me and for me. Retirement, travel, volunteering, peacefully knowing All is well. I love you and again, thank you for you.

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