As the years go by, I am surprised I am about to turn seventy. I am so blessed by the graceful movemnet of my body, and the ability to be in such great shape. I am up there with wine and cheese, they get better and better with age.
The older I get, the more I love life. I find that I can truly express myself with no worry about what other people think of me. I can embrace the book by Terry Cole Whittaker, "What You Think of me is None of my Business." I have so many friends and family who continue to show that I am loved. I continue to see how many things I am capable of doing. With each decade that passes, I continue to think, "that's not very old".
So to my friends and family for enhancing my life, love to you all!
"Events stand out in our memories because they mark either high or low points in our lives. While they are from our past, they teach us very vital present-day lessons that come with some bad and good news. The bad news is that in our lives there are memorable, average, and unpleasant times. The good news is that in our lives there are memorable, average, and unpleasant times. Whatever happens in your life, you have the ability to choose how you react." Sandra Lindsey Smith, --Life's Garden of Weekly Wisdom.
How do you feel about getting older? Are you proud of the obstacles you have overcome in your life? Are you also blessed by the people and experienced you've had in life, and think what an impact you have had in so many lives? Ever moment is precious. Share it with the people you love.
Love and light,
Sandy Smith