
Showing posts from February, 2023
 CAUSE AND EFFECT "A ny time your life, or my life, or the life of someone we know changes for the better through unexpected channels or circumstances, it's an example of a miracle."                                Shortcut to a Miracle ,    --Michael and Elizabeth Rand Perusing through the paper today I see, BLIZZARD IN LOS ANGELES! I believe that is a first; and with any major snow storm we probably stay inside. Staying inside is the effect cause by the storm. Now think about your life for a minute, what things have happened as a result of something else? I met the man I married as a result of a friend inviting him to church. I survived colon cancer as a result of catching it in stage one. A good friend told me to go to the doctor and get a sigmoidoscopy, the end result, the cancer was discovered, I had a portion of my colon removed, and I didn't die. Colon cancer is very slow growing, that is why it is important to have procedures down to detect it in its early stag
  AGING TO PERFECTION As the years go by, I am surprised I am about to turn seventy. I am so blessed by the graceful movemnet of  my body, and the ability to be in such great shape. I am up there with wine and cheese, they get better and better with age. The older I get, the more I love life. I find that I can truly express myself with no worry about what other people think of me.  I can embrace the book by Terry Cole Whittaker, "What You Think of me is None of my Business." I have so many friends and family who continue to show that I am loved. I continue to see how many things I am capable of doing. With each decade that passes, I continue to think, "that's not very old". So to my friends and family for enhancing my life, love to you all! "Events stand out in our memories because they mark either high or low points in our lives. While they are from our past, they teach us very vital present-day lessons that come with some bad and good news. The bad news i
  THE SYNONYM FOR GOD IS LOVE "Emerson tells us  that Love is a synonym for God. We are also told in the New Testement that 'He that loveth not, knoweth not God; for God is is love.' Love is free from condemnation, even as it is free from fear. Love is a cosmic source whose sweep is irresistible."                      Ernest Holmes    --The Science of Mind Textbook It is February, a time when we are reminded of the beauty of love, companionship, and the joy that comes from sharing a quality life with the kindness and compassion of the friends and family in our lives. If you ever feel blue, think of those people as blessings to count. Max Baer wrote a book called  Real Love, in it he is discussing what real love is. He says, "Happiness is caring about another person without any thought for what we might get for ourselves."   Think about that for a moment, really caring with no expectations for getting something in return. Some examples of unconditional love,
WHO DO YOU REMEMBER  " I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." -- Maya Angelou When I think back to all the people I've known and loved, all the presents I've received, what I remember the most is the moments spent with them. Sure I have treasured gifts, and have been to many fascinationg places, but it is the the family and friends, the kindness and the caring that I remember most. Great thanks to all the loving people who have crossed my path or traveled one with me. " So much of what we have been through has given us the strength to carfor me it has beenry on and the wisdom to be compassionate to others going through similar situations."                                                             Sandra Lindsey Smith,        Life's Garden of Weekly Wisdom Who do you remember the the most?  What effect did they have in your life? For me it has been a