OUT WITH THE OLD, IN WITH THE NEW "Acceptance simply means that you make a committment: 'Today I will accept people, situations, circumstances, and events as they occur.' " --Deepak Chopra A new year is dawning and it's that time of year when we teasure that which has passed. Everything that happened during the year was sprinkled with blessings. It's easy to find the blessings in the pleasant moments that happened, but harder to bless some of the challenges. But actually some of the challenges can turn out to be steeping stones. You lose a job, perhaps even one you disliked in the first place only to discover that it released you so that you could try a new and meaningful new job. Also, with the new year we find this to be true in our house, that we need to let go of a few things we can live without. Solution, yard sales. They are a very interesting thing. I’ve had them in my own yard, meeting neighbors and haggling over prices with buyers....