Tutoring in the Jail

"When we choose actions that bring happiness and success to others, the fruit of our karma is happiness and success."   --Deepak Chopra

Since I’ve lived in Kennewick, I have been tutoring youth who are under eighteen, that have been incarcerated. I’ve only tutored boys because in fourteen years there have been no juvenile girls who have been placed in the jail. All of them have been most appreciative to have a tutor who comes in to teach them, we are just about the only people they can meet in person besides the officers, lawyers, chaplains and nurses.  The one thing we can always seem to agree on is that they have all made some unfortunate choices. I instruct them in math and in English, and help some of them in preparing to take the GED. Some students are able to complete the "one more class" they need for finishing high school, and then a small graduation ceremony takes place.  I believe that my positive attitude in helping them face their situations, is the best thing that I can do to help them.

Actually, our attiude plays a big part in everyday life as well. I love Churchill's quote, "Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference." It's always a choice of how we respond to everything that crosses our path. If something unfavorable presents itself, we can react in an explosive way, rant and rave, and fuel up the negative energy around us; or, we can respond in a calmer fashion and be a positive catalyst to what has occured.  A calmer resonse is probably much more effective in the longrun, since what has happened has already happened and we can't change that fact. 

That has much to do with my interaction with tutoring the youth in the jail.  Let's forget the mistakes of the past and move on to what we can cgange in the future. Be safe and happy during this autumn season, and remember that Suday, November 6 is the day to set your clocks back.

"We always have much more to be grateful for than we ever have not to. Even having a positive attitude in the tough times makes those tough times shorter and it makes them happen less often."  "Life's Garden Grows"       --Sandra Lindsey Smith

What things in your life are you grateful for? Loving friends, a car and a roof over your head? In some countries water is in short supply-be thankful that water runs our of your tap when you turn it on. Be the blessing, and you will see the blessing.

Love and light,

Sandy Smith


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