"LIttle kindnesses offered from the heart add to the positive vibrations and enrgy in the universe."

LIfe's Garden of Weekly Wisdom,             --Sandra lindsey Smith

One summer, my best friend and I got to take the science teacher’s class rats home to keep, just for our own delight.  I took home Simon, and my friend got Garfunkle. I kept my white rat in a bird cage, and he delighted in all the wonderful things I gave him to eat.  One a week I would give him a bath in the sink and then dried him with the hair dryer hose. He was the first pet I ever had, and it taught me  so much about responsibility.

Since then I have had dogs, fish, and birds. There is something so loving in having pet children, truly unconditional love. I remember telling my high school students that my kids were real dogs, and that they took it as a compliment.

"Spread love everywhere you go; first of all in your own house. Give love to your children, to your wife or husband, to the next door neighbor...Let no one come to you without living better and happier." 

                                                              -- Mother Teresa

What is the fondest memroy that you have of a pet? Did you feel like it was one of the family? I consider them special gifts from God.

Love and light,

Sandy Smith



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