“Every person, all the events of your life are there because you have drawn them there. What you choose to do with them is up to you.”
Richard Bach --Jonathan Livingston Seagull

My all-time favorite teacher was Miss Russell.  I was in her honors English class my freshman year, and she was the toughest teacher I ever had. I worked very hard to receive an A from her. We participated in a book club where we mailed away each month to order books. I got to oversee filling the order form out, so I was able to choose one extra free book along with my own order.

During the year we all entered a student writing competition where we had to write a paragraph about something.  All of us in the class wrote our paragraphs, mine was on watching television, and we mailed them away to “Young American writes”. Mine was the only one in the class that got chosen to be published.  At the end of the semester, Miss Russell again gave me a “B”.  I summoned up my courage to speak to her after class.  I said that I thought I deserved an “A”, since my paragraph did get published in the competition.

Every year thereafter, I took a class from her. In tenth grade, I took mythology; when I was a junior, she was my speech coach.  As a senior, I was an aide for her Mythology class.  

Unequivocally, she was a big influence in my life, and I treasure those classes, and her influence on my life.

"Listening to the whisperer is listening to that still small voice within, the voice of God, that Divine inspiration that resides in each of us."  Sandra Lindsey Smith  --Life's Garden Grows

 Do you have a teacher or person that made a big difference in your life? What are some of the ways they made a difference?

Love and light,

Sandy Smith                                                                



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