BRENDA “Every single problem you have in life is the seed of opportunity for some greater benefit.” Deepak Chopra , Seven Spiritual Laws. While teaching high school. I had a delightful student named Brenda. She was a very bright young lady, got straight A’s all through high school, was valedictorian of her class and went on to Berkeley to study accounting. One Summer vacation after her first year at Berkely, she was lamenting her low grade in statistics. She had gotten the first D grade of her life, and took in again over the summer, to bring it up to only a C. I asked her why she was majoring in accounting, considering she was such a people person. She told me that her dad told her she would make a lot of money as an accountant. I asked her if that was what she really wanted to do, and perhaps she might consider discussing it with her counselor at school. Well, she changed her degree to sociology, became a social worker, and then later went on to b...