"Our starting point is to recognize God at the center of our being, to have faith in this Divine Presence within us, and have an equal faith in the Divine in everyone else."                                                                                               The Science of Mind        --Erenst Holmes

I am so thankful for my brother and sisters in my family; they did so much to contribute to who I am today.  My oldest sister use to read Nancy Drew books out loud to me at night; and when she had to memorize something for an English class, she would teach it to me to help her learn it.  Lewis Carrol’s, The Jabberwocky was one of her assignments. “The claws that bite, the claws that catch.” 

The poem uses nonsensical words to tell the tale of a young lad who slew a giant beast and joyfully brought the head back to his mother. Sounds like a pretty gory tale to share with a child, yet I was fascinated by the way a mere lad could set out to face his fears. A good lesson for feeling the fear but facing it anyway.

Think of the fear factors present in our world today, COVID-19 and all its varieties, global warming, anger welling up in people causing them to create killing and chaos in the community around them, and the list goes on. The question is, do we spend our whole lives focusing on the fear, or do we focus on the people we love? Do we see what there may be, that with our presence and effort might make a difference? What we give our attention to expands.

"You see, the mirror is merely something that reflects. You cannot scratch the reflection out of the idea, but you can change the image in front of it. And you are the image-maker. So let us create. So let us create new images which will reflect new patterns."                                                                                                        The Science of Mind            --Ernest Holmes

Are you a difference maker?  Do you volunteer in your community? Do you lend a helping hand to others in your own neighborhood when you are able to? Do you recycle the things that can be recycled? Sometimes we think that we must move mountains to make a difference, when in reality all we need do is act out of love, kindness, and compassion.

Whay are your memories of siblings when you were young?

Love and light,



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