
EBB AND FLOW "Observe good faith and justice toward all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with all."                    George Washington.   Is the current state of our nation driving you a little crazy?  One action that is a really bad idea is suddenly reversed? Do you ever look back to simpler times when people thought that telling the truth was the right thing to do; that honoring all people was the right thing to do; and my favorite what if, what if we remember that having neighbors nearby meant that we treat them right, and they return the support. I think of the uncertainty of the times, and wonder, what is next. Then I remember the words of President Jimmy Carter When he said: "A strong nation, like a strong person, can afford to be gentle, firm, thoughtful, and restrained. It can afford to extend a helping hand to others. It is a weak nation, like a weak person, that must behave with bluster and boasting and rashness...
 THE GREATER GIFT "There is no greater gift you can give or receive than to honor your calling. It is why you were born and how you become most truly alive."              --Oprah Winfrey Through my life I have had many careers: working in a deli shop; working in the costume department at CSU Fullerton; teaching speech and drama classes for over 37 years; and then retiring and stepping in to ministry. Each job I had led to something new and rewarding. I stop and think what all my many experiences of work had in common, and came to the conclusion that all of them were Spirit led. Each gave me the gift of sharing myself with others. I am alive in 2025 writing, speaking, being involved in numerous projects, and sharing community with my loving and wonderful Spiritual Community, Las Vegas CSL.  What is your gift to yourself and others? Is your gift sharing quality time with your friends and family? Encouraging others to reach for their highest and...
 LOVINGLY TAKE A STAND "God put the stamp of individuality upon you and called it you?" Ernest Holmes When I was teaching high school in my early years, I remember saying, "After you graduate and go on to the rest of your life, you will be surprised at how many of your former classmates are Gay or Lesbian. Some forty years later LGBTQ is the new moniker. In my opinion, a friend is a friend no matter who he /she is. All my friendships are based on common interests, kindness, caring and interesting conversations.  Now consider who your friends are. Do you still keep in touch with them?  Do they form a wonderful tapestry of interesting backgrounds? I believe that we were created as exactly who we were meant to be, flaws and all. I wish for you a treasure trove of friends and family who love you, and remember, as a wall-hanging in my home says, "Friends are the family you choose." I believe our own nation should reflect the vast variety of inhabitants that make up ...
STICKING PINS "Don't be a prisoner of ignorance. The world is larger, far more complicated, and far more wonderful that ignorance allows."                         Maya Angelou,           --Rainbow in the Sky Do you ever feel like a pin cushion and life seems like you are getting poked and prodded from all directions; late at night, in the morning, constantly making you feel like it will never stop?  Prices rising, making it feel like you are having a bad dream? Despite the insanity that is going on around us we need to set the radio dial on something we would like to be happening, and then get involved in some way. "We may not be able to do great things", but as Mother Teresa would say, "we can do little things with great love." How are you doing in your own family? Do you discuss what is going on in our world and think of how to help people who are affected by the political changes flyin...
 LOVE, IS IT JUST A WORD? "As light overcomes the darkness, as the presence of heat causes the atmosphere of the room to change until it is warm and comfortable, so the radiant presence of Love and Peace dissipates fear, hate and confusion." --  Ernest Holmes When I say, I love you, it isn't just a meaningless phrase. It means a caring and kindness for another person, and how grateful I am for that individual in my life. It is very apparent to me that at this point in our lives, that we reach out to our friends, family and neighbors to remind them of the importance of positive connection with each other. We must be mindful of changes happening all around us, what we stand for and what we don't. Life, liberty and happiness depend on our awareness. Inclusion is what makes our country a wonderful place to live in. Such a diversity of faiths and traditions that our forefathers came here to participate in, and the freedom we have in expressing those freedoms. We are not me...
 DO YOU SEE YOUR SHADOW?                “In the face of impossible odds, people who love this country can change it.”                           — Barack Obama Did the Groundhog see his shadow yesterday? He certainly did, so according to myth, that means six extra weeks of winter. Groundhog's day got it's official start on February 2, 1887 in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, deriving from a Pennsylvania Dutch superstition about predicting the weather. In Germany the same tradition was started using a badger, and in Hungary it was a Bear. The shadow in this instance meant something not to our liking, more cold snow. We as individuals have a shadow side. Sometimes in comes from hiding things we're not fond of instead of addressing them. When we address them we admit that they are there, and it is easier to face them and do something about changing they ways we deal with them. What can ...
 LOOKING THROUGH THE EYES OF LOVE "Fear is the dark room where negatives are developed."   Raymond Charles Barker,       The Power of Decision Sometimes it seems hard to remember that Spirit always surrounds us. In the midst of worrying about natural disasters, inhumanity being expressed, and values being overlooked,  I find myself having to look harder for the blessings in my life. What are the stepping stones to seeing the good in any situation. And then I remember that God is always in charge. How can we contribute to being part of the solution?  Love your friends and family. Work for the greatest good in every situation.  I believe that we need to support  causes that promote equality for all; to be kind to all life, and to our planet. We need to be the voice of reason that overcomes all challenges; and find way to use our talents to help those that can use them. “Never permit circumstances to change your plans, but give so much char...