COMING HOME "The best opportunity I've taken was to learn and understand the Oneness of life. It is to listen to my inner guidance and follow through. That always leads to success, healing and opportunities. When we recognize the truth of our being, Life fulfillls itself." Dr. Maxine Leo I love this quote. It was found in the March 23 Science of Mind Magazine. For me, I think it is a wonderful realization that Truth and Love and even pain can be found or resolved within. Coming home is the recoginiton of Spirit's inner guidance. So many people say that they have come to Our centers out of desperation or inspiration. Home is where we find our family, our togetherness, a like-minded soul to converse with, and to ask for affirmative prayers from. Of course going to a conference, or going on a vacation always feels wonderful while we are there, but I have to admit that when it is all over, I have fond memories, but it is always a great feeling to sit on my own toilet a...
Showing posts from February, 2024
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LOVE, ROMANCE, HAPPY V-DAY "We're all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when you find someone whose weirdness is compatible with yours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness—and call it love, true love." —Robert Fulghum Do you remeber the first Valentine you sent to someone? Was it homemade? Mine was and it was received by my mother with such love. For years I made Valentine's Day cards for friends and family, and then in my fifties or sixties I discovered on line cards. Now, since I remember them with such nostalsia, I think I will start making them again. Be prepared for the next holiday! What else do you remember from the past? Was it a fond memory or one that hurts? Do you still resent it? If it still hurts, see if you can release it. If it keeps on hurting, who is it punishing? Saint Augstine once said, "Resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die." Embrace what you do want. Wh...
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COUGHING AND SNEEZING "You were born to be healthy. Your consciousness was created to be a healthy mechanism for operating in your world...You alone determine what ideas function in your conscouisness." The Pwoer of Decision, --Charles Barker Sniffing, coughing, sneezing, tissues, cough drops, and Vicks -- What is this all about??? I rarely get colds. In fact, my husband just commented that he doesn't think I have been sick in all the 23 years we have been married. I'll have to think about that, but he is correct, I am rarely unhealthy. I have discovered that when I get too many things on my calendar, and start thinking that I just need to get this one more thing done, then Spirt says, "No you don't HAVE to do one more thing, you need to rest." So, I have cleared up my schedule, and I let go of a few activities, and now I am at the end of my cold. Ernest says, "A pill and a prayer", and that is what I h...