
Showing posts from November, 2024
  VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! "To demonstrate means to prove,to exemplify, to manufest, to bring forth, to projet into our experience somethnig betteer than we had Yesterday..." Erneset Holmes,              -- The Science of Mind Textbook It's that time of four years again, that we get out and cast our balance in the name of Democracy. Opinions of both Presidential Nominees bombard us with information. The trick is, to wade through that information and see what resontes with us, and make a thoughful decision. The more people who make that decision to vote, the better the results will speak. If you have voted already, GREAT! If you haven't, then go to the polls and cast your ballot. Ask some of you neighbors if they have had a chance to vote. If they have, GREAT! If not encourage them to get out and vote! It's only once every four years that the opportunity to vote for President comes around. Take advantage of it and VOTE! "The time is now, and the only time we can eve