I AM SO GRATEFUL "If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is 'thank you,' it will be enough." Meister Eckhart Thanksgiving is right around the corner and it is a wonderful time to be mindful of the blessings we encounter every day--clean water, a roof over our heads, friends and family, a smile from a stranger we encounter--all are little things that make a big difference. Are there individuals that don't have food or shelter? Give generously to organizations who provide meals for people who need to be fed. Volunteer your time at a shelter that prepares food to serve to those who are in need of it. Here's a question. Is it easier for you to give a gift than receive one? For me, I have great joy in giving a thoughful gift to someone. If I deny receiving a gift from someone else, am I robbing her/him the joy of giving? Give and receive with a smile on your face, and increase the joy of giving and receivin...
Showing posts from November, 2024
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LIFE ALWAYS FINDS A WAY “Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” - Carl Bard No matter what happens in the world around us, Life finds a way to move through it. A devastating fire may burn thousands of acres. The aftermath may leave a black scar on the land where trees and homes once were. Time goes by, and months later new growth comes peeking through the soil, small flowering plants begin the process of new growth. In the forest new seedlings begin to grow from the seeds that were released by pine trees that required intense heat for their cones to open. Life finds a way to move forward. The same thing applies to human beings. Challenges may seem like insurmountable obstacles until that first idea, that first stepping stone comes along. It might be a friend who shares an idea with you, a book that beckons you to pick it up and read, or something you see in an advertisement that draws you to a group...
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AND NOW WHAT? "To believe in the good alone, may seem fallacious to many, but he who thus believes willl find his path lighted by a torch which flickers, not fails." Ernest Holmes, -- The Science of Mind Textbook Things happen in life that my not be to our liking. We may loose faith in ourselves or the world around us; we may get angry or depressed; but we also must realize that the thing has happened, and be certain not to be dampened by circumstances. It is the time to dedicate ourselves to being the world we want to see. Now more than ever is the time to recognize and love oneanother, to see what issues and people we need to support. We can be thankful for our faith-center families and help to support ourselves and the commnity that surrounds us. Now, more than ever we need to spread kindness, compassion and love; let yourself shine brighlty. "Everything in our personal experience depends upon our mental reactions to life, and our deepest realization of the i...
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VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! "To demonstrate means to prove,to exemplify, to manufest, to bring forth, to projet into our experience somethnig betteer than we had Yesterday..." Erneset Holmes, -- The Science of Mind Textbook It's that time of four years again, that we get out and cast our balance in the name of Democracy. Opinions of both Presidential Nominees bombard us with information. The trick is, to wade through that information and see what resontes with us, and make a thoughful decision. The more people who make that decision to vote, the better the results will speak. If you have voted already, GREAT! If you haven't, then go to the polls and cast your ballot. Ask some of you neighbors if they have had a chance to vote. If they have, GREAT! If not encourage them to get out and vote! It's only once every four years that the opportunity to vote for President comes around. Take advantage of it and VOTE! "The time is now, and the only tim...