Trees, Squirrels, and Family “When we lose one blessing, another is often most unexpectedly given in its place.” ― C.S. Lewis It's tightwalking time for squirrels again, those accurate paws, that furry, fluffy tail waving in the wind; all of those autumn indications that Turkey Day is lovingly looming around the corner. A day for family and friends to get together for puzzle building, eating popcorns, and telling jokes that are alway way too pun-ish. (And please, no jokes about any of your family being squirrelly). This year is a great one for giving thanks. High points and low points; but still a great time to remember all our blessings. Wars may rage, and arguements over religion and politics may seem like they are taking center stage; but family, (some times the friends who are the family we choose), a roof over our heads and clean water to drink--these are among the many things to give thanks for. "Science of Mind teachses us that we are all one, one with God...
Showing posts from November, 2023
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GRATITUDE "A Positive shift in perspective...chosing prayer treatment instead of complaining." Life's Garden of Weekly Wisdom --Sandra Lindsey Smith This is a picture of a rock I painted at our Center's end of summer/beginning of autumn Picnic. I an not that great at rock painting, but it was fun to try. The hardest part was painting the letters. I wracked my brain for the smallest word with the least letters and I came up with "Thanks" (after the fact I realized that "Peace" had fewer letters). Family and friends are important. Remember to call, text, email-- or my personal favorite is to write to them and let them know how grateful I am to have them in my life. "Thank-you is the best prayer anyone could say." --Alice Walker May you have many days to be thankful this year. Do you journal about gartitude? Try it, write down at least three things you are thankful for evry day for a month, year or for the res...